By Baptism, a person enters the Catholic Church together with all the rights and obligations that accompany that act. In the case of adults who wish to become Catholics a course of instruction is necessary, which will likely take several months. In fact, anyone over the age of seven (the age of reason) will need to be instructed in the Catholic Faith and the obligations of a Christian life.
Infants are presented by their parents for Baptism on the understanding that they will be brought up as practising Catholics and the parents should be ready to make those undertakings.
At least one parent must be Catholic and both godparents.
It is a prerequisite that the applicant must reside within the parish boundaries of St Patrick’s Bondi and St Anne’s Bondi Beach.
Please contact the parish office to arrange enrolment at one of the six preparation sessions which are held during the course of the year. The session lasts about an hour and is held on a Thursday evening from 5:30 to 6:30pm.
On completion of the preparation session, the parents are encouraged to fill out the application form which can be downloaded on this page. They should then approach the parish office to book a time for the baptism.
Times of Baptism
Baptisms are held on Sunday morning after the 10 am Mass at Saint Patrick’s Church on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Special requests for baptism at Saint Anne’s Shrine can be made to the parish office.
Baptism preparation sessions 2025
6 Feb
3 Apr
5 Jun
7 Aug
2 Oct
4 Dec