A warm welcome to the catholic parishes of Bondi. The churches of St Patrick Bondi and of St Anne, Bondi Beach are here to cater to the spiritual needs of the Catholic population of the greater Bondi area. We pray that we may be a fruitful witness to the Gospel in exploring new ways of serving God and our community in this famous part of Sydney.
Daily Mass and the sacraments are available to Catholics both local and visiting. Please see the timetable below for times and availability. To stay up to date with latest news and events, please sign up to the Bondi Catholic Newsletter.
You can find the churches at the following addresses:
St. Anne’s Catholic Church
47 Mitchell Street, Bondi Beach NSW 2026 Australia
St Patricks Catholic Church
2 Wellington Street, Bondi NSW 2026 Australia

Regular Mass Times
8am Mass & 5pm Mass at St. Anne’s
10am Mass at St. Patrick’s
(Confessions 30 minutes before each Sunday Mass times)
6:30pm Adoration/Confessions at St. Anne’s
7:15am Mass at St. Anne’s
7:15am Mass at St. Patrick’s
7pm Mass
7:30pm Adoration/Confessions at St. Patrick’s
9:15am Mass at St. Anne’s
9:00am Mass at St. Anne’s
Pastoral Letter to the Archdiocese of Sydney regarding the Synod of Sydney 2026
Parish initiatives
Morning Tea
After 10am Sunday Mass at St Patrick’s, all are welcome back to the hall for some delicious food and drinks.
Man Night
Join the monthly man night to catch up with like minded Catholics over a BBQ and listen to influential guest speakers.
Women’s Gathering
Join the monthly women’s gathering at Bondi to catch up with like minded Catholics and listen to influential guest speakers.
The Catholic parishes of Bondi provide a sung liturgy at both Churches thanks to the amazing choirs.
Sunrise Surf Sessions
Catch some waves and make new friends! See Instagram for more details.
Community Care
The order of Malta provide an open soup kitchen to those in need every Wednesday from 6:30pm at St. Patrick’s hall.